DiversiTEA in Europe


Aug/ Sep 2015 PopUpTearoom in Europe- Germany,Poland, Czech Republic and Italy, 

Over 6weeks in Europe, while Yumi has participating several international workshops and events, Yumi has experimented small tea ceremonies in each location.


An informal show and tell @ Tatwerk, a theatre space in Berlin, presenting a footage of Yumi's journey in Europe and Japan over 2month, combining with rituals of tea ceremony.


After being as a one of choreographers in ‘eX..it!’ international Butoh exchange project in Schloss Broellin, she conducted a ritual of serving bowls of tea to the teachers and participants, as deparCHA tea. In the small room of the residency, setting up tea set on the yoga mat. Departure(Depar茶) Tea#1@Schloss Brollin Departure(Depar茶) Tea#2@Schloss Brollin


POLAND-Visiting Krakow to exchange ideas and collaborate with local Polish/Australian visual artist. ITALY-Yumi conducted an intensive Butoh workshop in Ancona, Italy, and searving bowls of tea in the local residency. In the Yoga room at the local residency in Ancona, Italy

Departure(Depar茶) Tea#4@Ancona, Italy


As a participant of ‘Bohemia Rosa' project in Czech republic-workshop focusing body, site and landscape run by Milos Šejn & Frank van de Ven, Yumi has explored to create tea ceremonies/ rituals in the middle of the national park near Chribska, incorporating the elements of nature -water, earth, leaf, moss and other organic materials.


Weekend Intensive Butoh workshop in Italy


eX...it! 2015 International Butoh exchange project- Germany