SurrealiTEA/AbsurdiTEA@ Kinosaki, Japan

PopUp Wonders @ Kinosaki International Arts Centre, JapanYumi and collaborator, a visual artist Riza Manalo undertook an intensive two-week residency at Kinosaki International Art Centre, to explore the metaphor of reflection in relation to nature, personal rituals, symbolic objects and the production of ephemeral spaces. ‘Pop-up Wonders’ examined and responded to the history of Kinosaki’s natural healing waters/hot springs, man-made tourist attractions and visitors social activities. With invited Japanese and Australian artists, the pop-up mobile spaces were explored the relationship of objects to movement,personal narratives, tea ceremony and cultural experiences. They have also conducted an artist talk where they provided insight into their individual practice and also discuss their artistic engagement, approaches and inspiration throughout our residency in Kinosaki.

Invited artists: Adam Hatsu-Shin(Tea Artists from Australia) , Kyoko Hirobe(Voice Artists from Tokyo), and Hisako Tsuzuku(Calligrapher from Hyogo)

Photo by Ivan Kovac, Yuichiro Yoshida(Kinosaki International Arts Centre), Igaki Photo Studio

ちょっと変なもの something odd ちょっとズレたもの something not fitted in ちょっとはみ出たもの something not matching ちょっと歪んだもの something bend ちょっと欠けたもの something missing or broken ちょっと見捨てられたもの something abandoned そんなワクワクと、とびだす不思議を探すエクスペリメント Experiment for seeking the excitement and ‘pop-up wonders’.

Previous! 2015 International Butoh exchange project- Germany


Pop-Up Wonders@Kinosaki